研修 at 関西学院大学 (Kwansei Gakuin University)


On February 17, at Kwansei University I had an awesome day of training, attending many presentations by various professionals who really care about what they do by providing their own unique ways of helping many people to achieve their goals through studying English.

One of the very unique orators, that I really admire, is Janina Tubby, who is the Head and Owner of KOBILS, Kobe Bilingual School, ‪http://kobils.ed.jp. She is not only an energetic but also a very goal-driven person, a lot of fun to be with.

Thank you so much Janina for your valuable time and ideas!!! “


その様な非常に興味深い講演者の方々の中の1人で、私が本当にすごい人だと尊敬している方が、ジャニーナ タビーさんです。彼女は神戸バイリンガルスクール(KOBILS、‪https://kobils.ed.jp.)の校長で、オーナーもされています。とても活発な方ですが、それだけでなく、ひたむきに自身の目標へ向かって突き進んでいる方でもあり、一緒に居ると、とても楽しいです。
